HopeSync allows you to send SMS messages to clients and supporters.  For most of our customers, they never get close to the limit on their accounts. Almost every HopeSync customer can send messages to clients without concerns of reaching the limit.

What is the limit for SMS messages?

HopeSyncallows 1,000 SMS segments per month for every concurrent user you subscribe to. A segment is 153 characters. If you send a message under 153 characters, that is 1 segment. If you send a super long message, it could be 11 segments if it was 1,600 characters.  

To calculate the number of segments available to your center, just multiply the number of concurrent users you subscribe to by 1,000.  If you subscribe to 5 concurrent users, you will have 5,000 segments allowed per month. You can also checkyour subscription page to see the calculations and your current usage (Settings -> Subscription).

What happens if we go over our limit?

We will just ask you to add more concurrent users to your subscription to cover the the additional texting. Again, most HopeSync customers don't hit their limits, so it most likely won't matter to you.

Wasn't texting unlimited?

Yes, it was, but we have a few customers using almost $1,000/month in SMS messaging. To help keep HopeSync affordable for everyone, we created a limit that almost everyone fits under without an upgrade. For those few who are sending tens-of-thousands of messages a month, we will ask them to upgrade.

Where can I see how many message segments we are using?

Just go to Settings -> Subscription and look at the bottom of the page. It will show you both your limit and your current usage.