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Reaching clients... the moment.

In the moment of discussion...

HopeSync provides relatable and medically accurate videos and content in the moment of discussion between the client and advocate.

In the moment of decision...

Use the documented informational points to guide the discussion and show videos to inform the decision.

In the moment of doubt...

Send the content and videos straight to the client’s device for after-session moments of doubt or external pressures.

Instantaneous Access

There is information everywhere; yet relatable, meaningful and accurate answers to your client’s questions can be difficult to access in the moment.

HopeSync provides instantaneous access to documented text and videos covering a wide variety of client concerns. Play just the right video in the clinic or text it to the client’s phone so she can watch it later.

At the center...

Use the documented text to answer client questions consistently and correctly. Choose to show the professional, educational and/or relational video for the specific client concern.

On their phones...

The average client will spend over 1/4 of her life on her phone.(1) With HopeSync, you can send content and videos directly to her phone so she can review them or forward them at a later time.

1. Simon Khalaf, SVP and Lali Kesiraju, Analytics Manager. Flurry mobile blog, “Time Spent on Mobile Crosses 5 hours”, March 2, 2017. Rate of increase is dramatic and would be over 8 hours a day in 2019 if the trend continued past the last data point.