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What Others Are Saying

"HopeSync has opened an international door to people reaching out for help for very personal and deep crises. The video resources available are so well done and easy to send. The staff are continually updating and making it easy for us to connect to people. The HS staff are amazing to work with!

Mary Schwartz The Hope Clinic

"HopeSync has been a great addition to our center by providing our patients with immediate assistance when they reach out. We have seen an increase in contacts and an increase in appointments made.

Julie Trigueros Women to Women Health Clinic

"HopeSync has been so helpful in reaching clients in their time of crisis. Being able to have the widget and respond within minutes has helped us bring more women into our center. We had a young lady reach out through HopeSync who had taken the abortion pill and was wondering if we could help her because she was feeling regret. We got her connected to the abortion pill reversal hotline and her baby was saved!

Melissa Ward Pregnancy Care Center of Wayne County

"HopeSync has truly been a beneficial resource for us & our clients! We are thankful for all you provide, and we LOVE the option of adding our own local resources. It's been wonderful eliminating the cost and need for up-to-date paper brochures.

The chat option in HopeSync has been helpful in connecting us with the current generation using their preferred means of communication.

Michelle Gunderson Lakes Life Care Center

"Our clients have been able to speak with a [staff] nurse at all hours and get questions answered by a professional. This is also an excellent way to send resources to our clients or people to whom we aren't able to provide services.

Margelyn Martinez Hope Pregnancy Center

"The resources are great. Our nurses are using some of them and want to delve into using them more regularly.

Becca Moberg Abiding Care

"HopeSync has been utilized by our center for years now! The education provided through the HopeSync platform is second to none! The ability to send it to patients on their phones also enables us to meet them where they are! We are so thankful for HopeSync!

Lauren Pouncey Choices Clinic

"HopeSync has allowed us to have confidence that when we are not here, women and families are still able to access their real options and the truth about their unplanned pregnancies and unborn children.

Ana Jensen Birth Choice Dallas

"Being able to quickly answer clients' questions live has allowed us to connect with clients who may have never made an appointment or filled out a contact form otherwise. Our relationship with clients starts as soon as they click on the chat button!

Christine Cappetta Her Health Women's Center

"HopeSync has enabled us to more quickly and efficiently respond to client requests for help. Because of using it, we are becoming more relational in texting instead of just seeing texting as an avenue to schedule clients. Thank you, everyone, for your quick responses to our questions and concerns!

Sharon Comly North Care Women's Clinic

"HopeSync provides us with a vast library of videos and literature to share with our clients, especially filling in gaps we had on some of the tougher topics that clients are dealing with (such as date rape). We are using these resources in person with clients, as well as texting information to those who call in but are out of our local area. HopeSync has also helped us connect more with our donors by providing the prayer text option. When donors receive texts to pray for clients in crisis and our staff who are meeting with them, it helps the donors to invest in our ministry spiritually.

We appreciate that HopeSync is open to suggestions and is constantly tweaking its software and making improvements to enhance its product so we can serve our clients more effectively. We also appreciate the webinars, zoom meetings, and training videos.

Becky Faul The Hope Clinic

"HopeSync has been a wonderful tool to reach out to Abortion Minded clients where they are. We are able to offer information discreetly that empowers them to choose life. The information we send through HopeSync is accurate and presented in a fashion that speaks to them and creates space for them to think through their decision before it is final.

Sarah Collins Azar Pregnancy Resource Center

"I am very pleased to date with Hope Sync. We are able to connect in real-time via the most used application of this younger generation [texting]. We can effectively reach these women with information that is lacking on the internet otherwise.

Mary Regina Bebber Women First Pregnancy Options

"The (Infinite Worth) nurses are so compassionate and knowledgeable. By reading the nurses' conversations, we learn a lot about how to approach callers facing such traumatic life situations. This is improving our interactions with clients in our offices and those we talk with by phone. The nurses are such a blessing!

Becky Hope and Answers, Indiana

At Options Care Center, we've been trying to implement HopeSync into how we work with clients. Recently, a client called asking if we do abortions. As usual, I was working to get her into the center for a free pregnancy test and ultrasound. This client had already had both at an OBGYN and "didn't need them." She also had trouble with transportation, so she was not able to come into our center. I had a short conversation with her and discovered she was about 9 weeks along, just on the cusp of 2 different abortion procedures. I asked her permission to send a couple videos that might explain the procedures she'd be looking at. When she agreed, I sent them off. A few days later, I followed up, asking if she'd received the videos and if she'd had a chance to watch them. She had. Then she revealed she wasn't going to go through with the abortion!

I'm so grateful for a tool that can be used when we can't reach our clients in person. What a blessing.

Jessie Andersen Executive Director at Options Care Center

Here at The HOPE Center we love HopeSync!!

Our receptionist sends out the Importance of Ultrasound whenever they make an AM/AV appointment, we have seen an uptick in our “shows” by doing this.

Our medical team send the Fetal Development video to our AM/AV clients before going into the U/S room as a way for the client to “better understand what they are about to see” on the U/S. They also use other videos as dictated by the client intake and discussion.

Our advocates love using the different testimonials on HopeSync because they are perfect for our clients and help them know they are not alone (the testimonials are so “real” and kind of “raw” but that’s what makes them so useful.

All of our staff love the resource buttons. Our Community Resource Manager did an awesome job in putting literally “everything” we refer to or need on these buttons. It makes it so easy for our advocates to find just what our clients are needing and easily send it to their phone instead of handing them papers. Both the advocates & the clients love this feature.

Last, but the BEST!!! We all love the Prayer Partner Text Messages!!!! This has literally been a game changer….we now have over 260 partners that are praying in real time for our staff & clients and we have seen God do amazing things! By sending out the text messages to our entire staff it has brought us together as a team. Our thrift boutique staff and back office staff love being a part of the ministry to women in crisis during their work day, our board members love getting the updates and lifting us up in prayer. It also has united the mobile unit with our center in a new and exciting way! Everyone loves this feature!!

I hope you can see we are fully engaged in using HopeSync and love it! It takes time to set it up, train everyone and be intentional about using it, but it is so worth it!

Sandi Welborn The HOPE Center, Director in Woodstock, GA

So much more we can do with HopeSync than we currently are. We went through some transition when we first signed up, and I’m the only nurse as our nurse manager currently so really trying to utilize all the tools we can to help our clients. Wish we would’ve learned all this during our trial period way back when. ☺️ We do already have some awesome testimonies. A client just last week chose life after watching a bunch of things on HopeSync, and now we are sending her BrightCourse info and she’s getting excited about her pregnancy!

Tiffany Bach Nurse Manager of Verity Pregnancy and Medical Resource Center

An abortion-vulnerable client watched the seven weeks fetal development video and was amazed. This information, coupled with the ultrasound and discussion with our advocates helped this client choose life!

Jessie Andersen Executive Director at Options Care Center

We received a call from a 22-year-old client asking us questions regarding having an abortion. She lived four hours from us, so it was not feasible for her to come to our center. She was not interested in finding a center close to her, so we told her about the HopeSync videos that we could send to her cell phone that would give her more information and help answer questions, and that after watching them, she could call us back, and we would answer any questions she might still have or visit with her to help her process her thoughts. The young lady agreed and watched the videos. She called back a couple of hours later and stated she would not be having an abortion, and that after talking with us and watching the videos she just could not go forward with doing something like that! She was going to keep her baby no matter what! We helped her find a pregnancy center near her so she could find the support she desperately needed during this time.

The young lady stated that the videos were very informative and yet not judgmental and she appreciated the care that was taken in making them.

Praise the Lord for videos like what we have in HopeSync that allows us to speak truth about abortion and reach young men and women that we otherwise would not be able to minister to!

Leanne Martin Hope Pregnancy Center in OK

We absolutely love HopeSync and it has been a lifesaver during this time of COVID 19! Our small staff is currently running the center since most of our volunteers have not returned. This means that almost all of our intakes fall to a small group of people. HopeSync has drastically cut down on our administrative tasks required for each intake. While I am meeting with a client, I have HopeSync open on my laptop and I am able to quickly and easily send information a client needs immediately so I know she has it.

We have used the HopeSync videos and literature a little, and they have been helpful to clients and our staff (the videos are great training tools!) But the feature we use the most is a tree we created on our own called “local resources”. We have a Welcome text that is sent to each client that recaps our services, answers some frequently asked questions, and gives them the link to our Facebook page. We also created a Google Docs exit survey that we text to each client after their visit. We have all of our resources that used to be on paper in separate links that we can send to the clients, everything from housing resources, to programs for teen moms, a medical referral sheet for undocumented or uninsured clients to Medicaid and WIC links, to a text we created that we send to women who call seeking abortions that gives them questions to ask and websites to check the clinic health violations and record of the doctor (we pair this with some of the HopeSync videos/ literature). We are in the process of translating all of this for a new Spanish Local Resources tree we plan to add!

We rely heavily on HopeSync and highly recommend it!

Amy Campbell Client Services Director Columbia Pregnancy Center

It has been challenging serving clients during COVD-19, but also encouraging to see how God provides the means for us to minister to our clients. We have been able to provide information to our clients through HopeSync. We love how HopeSync was up and running for pregnancy centers to try, just when we needed to minister to our clients while we were closed. HopeSync has information on fetal development, pregnancy options, as well as prenatal care. We have been using it to share information to our clients while they are waiting for a test at our center.

We had one client who shared with us, that she was undecided if she was going to continue this pregnancy This young lady stated she was unsure who the father was and she was undecided if she would keep the baby. We were able to share with her that we had been reviewing new material from HopeSync and asked if we could text her some information concerning her pregnancy. Client said that she would, and it would give her a chance to think about things before her appointment with us. We were able to find a video that covered her situation. The video showed a woman that was unsure who the father was in her pregnancy. This woman decided to abort her baby and she talks about how she regrets the decision she had made several years ago. We also sent the client information regarding the importance of an ultrasound from a doctor’s viewpoint, in making sure there is a viable pregnancy. The client finally let us know that she had decided 100% to keep her baby. She stated, “I am weirdly excited for my appointment and learning about the baby!” Through this challenging time, we are weirdly excited too, we look forward to seeing what He has in store for this ministry.

Dana Lane First Coast Women's Services

We just had a client who I sent four or five HopeSync topics to. She was definitely abortion-vulnerable and is post-abortive. She viewed all the videos and told us during Holy Week that she plans to have the baby! The HopeSync messages addressed all her concerns specifically, and I’m sure played a large role in her decision. Keep up the good work!


We love HopeSync. It gives us the ability to send information to patients who are waiting to receive an ultrasound because they are too early. One abortion-vulnerable patient in particular returned to us for an ultrasound because of the OB-Gyn doctor's video on the Importance of an Ultrasound topic. We are very grateful for this service, especially because we are able to add our own content as well. We greatly appreciate you!

Nicole Manners Alternatives Pregnancy Center

We love having HopeSync at our fingertips to use with clients, either in or out of our center. We have only been using it for three months, and we’ve already seen clients grateful for the videos and lives changed. We have client advocates grateful for the videos and the, so far, 52 prayer partners who come alongside and pray for our clients and advocates. It took a year for me, as the client service director, to take the plunge, but since we hooked up with Life Advancement Group, our abortion-minded phone calls have more than quadrupled, so HopeSync needed to be in place to help answer all of the questions, and what a fabulous tool it is!!

Kaydi Johnson Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center